Take Me Away

I could see you there. A big smile on your face.
Oblivious to the times and life's disgrace.
I want to leave this place. I Want to see you there.
You could bring your friends because I don't care.

You gotta take me away.

I see that you're still smiling without a thought in your head.
How will you feel tomorrow when everybody's dead?
I want to learn how to fly. I want to see your face.
If I only had wings, I'd have to leave this place.

You gotta take me away.

Here we introduce a common theme that existed back then for me: I'm awesome and everyone else is not as awesome (or sucks horribly), so I wan't to separate myself from the herd and/or die. Pure, unbridled, post adolescent egocentricity. In all honesty, I was not that confident of a person in my youth, nor did I really believe I was anything particularly special. Being a novice at playing guitar and writing songs makes one overcompensate their lack of self esteem with an over inflated ego. This is probably common amongst all artists due to the amount of rejection and critique they endure, so a heaping amount of ego is what probably keeps them going.

Yes, all that from these mediocre lyrics! Future songs may have less info and insight and some more! I'll keep it coming as best as possible.

As far as the actual writing of music goes, I remember writing this song around the same time as "I Want To." Also, I liked the simple bass line. So much so that it became the entire song, without any changes!

Speaking of this bass line, the 2nd show we played was at a venue called Escapades in Jersey City, NJ. I remember the band that went on after we played was kind of making fun of us and being dicks and showing off that they could easily play the bass line to this song, laughing the whole time. Perhaps they were just in awe at how wonderfully simple yet brilliant this line was and therefore felt the need to pay homage right then and there. The laughing was probably a defense mechanism for their inferiority. That's most likely what I told myself back then to not go home, cry and quit playing music all together.

Take Me Away (MP3 Direct Download)

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